The point of this blog is to track my progress through my Body-Transformation Challenge. As you can read below, right now I'm pretty fat. Not morbidly obese, mind you. But way out of shape. So here we go. I started my challenge on February 28th. Weight: 190 lbs, Body fat: 29%, Lean Body Mass: 135 lbs. Body fat & lean body mass are calculated on
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The top 10 things that have helped me so far...
Direct from the frozen tundra known as the coast of Maine, here are the top 10 items that have helped me achieve results for my first 5 ½ weeks.
At number 10: What is a guy to do when he takes his bread or vegetables and can’t smear it with very bad, full of bad fat, gooey man made margarine? Well you use a product called Butter Buds. Available at your neighborhood grocery store, it’s ingredients are Maltodextrin (a natural carbohydrate derived from corn), Natural Butter Flavor, Salt, Dehydrated Butter, Guar Gum (a natural thickener), and Baking Soda. You can sprinkle it on or make a liquefied butter sauce out of it. One serving of a teaspoon has only 5 calories and depending if you buy the sprinkle or the box mix one serving has 120 mg of sodium or 75 mg of sodium. While not the perfect solution for toast, it works out great for putting on vegetables.
Number 9: You got the workout ahead of you. You want desperately to hit those 10’s! You got the stopwatch handy. You go the music you like all picked out. It doesn’t always fit the rhythm of your cardio or your lifting though. Instead of focusing on the exercise at hand you keep looking at the clock or stopwatch. I’ve only received this in the mail the other day and today was my first day using it, but I can say without a doubt that this has changed the way I’m doing workouts. BFL’er Chris Cary has produced 4 audio CD’s (2 for UB and LBWO, 2 for cardio) that keep track of everything for you! It takes you through the whole workout with everything timed perfectly. With cues for lifting and lowering, the time between sets and everything else, it gives you the chance to focus on what’s important, the exercise! Plus Chris has one kickass website!
Number 8: Cottage cheese. Huh? You could not pay me enough to eat this stuff in my previous life. But on day 1 of my first challenge, I told myself I’d learn to like this dairy product or I might as well give up. My first meal I had it, it wasn’t the greatest. Far from it. Give me some ice cream! But now my favorite snack is cottage cheese blended with no fat yogurt. Let’s hear it for cottage cheese!
Number 7: The BFL Success Journal. The perfect companion piece to the Body For Life book. If you don’t have one and you are starting your new life … get one!! With a place at the beginning to write down your dreams and goals and a place for that all important before picture. And each day has an inspirational word from Bill Phillips as well as a successful transformation picture and story from someone who has already changed their life. Plus there’s a place to write down your daily plans of “The Power Mindset” and “The Universal Law of Reciprocation” and an area to “Focus on Progress, Not Perfection”. A place to write down your daily planned and actual meals and your planned and actual workouts. A true timesaver and lifesaver. I think I’m going to have to order another one for my next challenge!
Number 6: Sportblock. I have a limited amount of space to store things and that’s what is so great about SportBlock and PowerBlock. For what you would need to buy for a lot of different sizes dumbbells you can spend and buy a SportBlock and the best news is it fits in a much smaller area. I bought my Sportblock and expander kit at Walmart and then went to and printed out a $20.00 rebate coupon. Whoo hoo! I like to save money. My problem is I’m outgrowing my SportBlock and I keep looking at the PowerBlock, but can’t quite afford it yet. Luckily I have a Crossbow machine that I purchased years ago, thinking it would get me in shape, but it didn’t. Now I know what to do using BFL. There is nothing like the feel of free weights though and I keep telling my wife that Christmas is coming. Hint, hint.
Which brings us to number 5: My wife Lynn. She’s put up with me through almost 16 years of marriage, and has been supportive of me, no matter if I lost weight before or at my highest weight. I truly love her and I know she loves me. She is behind me in this endeavor 110%! She helps me with BFL meals and is starting the exercise portion herself. She wants to lose 15 pounds of fat and tone up. She’s soooo good and there is no website for her.
Number 4: Salsa. Hi my name is Steve and I’m a smoking, scratch that, alcoholic, scratch that too, druggie, nope that’s gone, food addict, got that licked, Coke head (hey, the soda kind, not the powder), that’s gone too! OK, hi my name is Steve and I’m a SALSA addict! Find me a 12 step for that one! I used to work for a community radio station and a guy there who hosted a music show ran a restaurant. About 10 years ago, he bought a company from two sisters who made a fantastic salsa. Jim and his brother Larry have been making this salsa ever since. Made of fresh ingredients, even the tomatoes, it can now be found throughout New England and parts of New York and on the web at I love salsa on everything, eggs, rice, potato, salad. While they do not make a salt free salsa, the sodium content is minimal because the other spices make this the best salsa you’ll ever taste. And it’s gotten me a long way through this challenge and life.
Number 3: The “Body For Life” book by Bill Phillips. ‘Nuff said! I have made it one of my goals to reread this book every 2 weeks while I’m on a challenge. And I’m glad I’m doing it! I learn something new each time and it all becomes that much more clearer! That and it’s changed the life of every success story in the book and here on ….
…Number 2: The support that I see on here and that I’ve received is tremendous and is a huge part of my beginning transformation. I look forward to sharing with you my successes! Thank you!
And number 1: My own personal walk with God. I won’t get all spiritual on you, but I could not have done this on my own without Jesus Christ as my Savior.
Thanks for reading!
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