Sunday, February 18, 2007

Today Was a Cardio Day!

After a healthy, lean lunch (chicken breast on whole grain bread & a cabbage salad) we went to the gym. Treadmill today. 500 calorie burn. I know that I'm exceeding the recommended BFL, 20-Minute Aerobics Solution™. But I've got to get my heart conditioned to the point where a 20-minute cardio will get any results.

So I jogged/walked 3.5 miles in 43 minutes. That's three minutes off my best time. I'm aware that I'm trading anaerobics for aerobics, but it's a health concern and trade-off that I'm willing to make. I need my heart in good shape. It felt great. I feel stronger every time we go to the gym


Craig Staley said...

Wow 3.5 miles I don't know if I have ever ran that far in my life...

tonka_boy said...

Well keep in mind that it was a walk/jog kind of thing. I jog till my heart rate gets to about 140, then I walk until it gets back down to 100. After doing that a few times, I just walk. I'm not much of a runner!