Saturday, February 17, 2007

Does Creatine Make a Difference?

You bet it does! Click on this photo from Squiggs World. Just one week taking creatine made a huge difference in muscle size and definition.

Unlike steroids or other perfomance enhancement drugs, creatine is 100% natural and occurs in many of the foods we eat. Humans synthesize creatine in the liver, pancreas, and kidneys from the amino acids Arginine, Glycine and Methionine. It can also be found in meat type foods such steak, fish, pork, tuna, etc. However, the amount of creatine we get from foods is minimal compared to the amount needed to get the maximum beneficial effect. To get roughly 20 grams of creatine (the general dosage amount for the loading phase), one would have to consume roughly 16-18 steaks. Because of this, it is more convenient to consume creatine as a supplement, rather than eat a lot of meat products.

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