Saturday, May 19, 2007

Today is Race Day

Jeepers, it's here already. We run a 3K today. I wonder how that will go . . . I'll get back to you after the run.

Well we did it. It's been almost 30 years since I've done something like that! The race was a small one--about 100 runners of all shapes and sizes. Some were real athletes. Others were not. Chris and I started near the back of the pack and stayed there most of the race. The course wound through the local neighborhood and along a trail through the woods. Although the air temperature was under 80 degrees, the sun was brutal! Near the end of the race, my right calf tightened up and I told Chris to run on ahead. She actually finished 15 seconds ahead of me.

Overall, it was a hard thing to do. But we were both glad that we did it, and we are looking at another race on the 4th of July.

Note: The runners depicted here are not Chris and I. I borrowed it from another site. Click on the piture to follow that link.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS)

WOOF! The DOMS are biting my butt this morning. We went to the gym yesterday and I did an upper body workout--really hit it hard. Today, I am sore. But it's a kind of pain that feels good. Like a reminder of a job well done.

Today I do lower body, and maybe some running--if my back will take it. I hurt it last weekend working on the dock. It's still not right. Hurts every morning when I get up. : (

Click on the painful picture to learn more about DOMS.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Two Weeks to our 5K Run

Two weeks from now, Chris and I participate in the annual run for celiac disease.
We've been running at the health club on treadmills to get into shape. I know, running on pavement is going to be much harder, but it's been so dang cold up here that running outside isn't much of an option.

My strategy is to run real fast for the 100 feet, then walk the rest of the way. That way, I can brag that I was leading early in the race. I figure with the right amount of caffeine and Motrin, I can do it. Stay tuned, I'll let you know how it went.

The Final 30 Days

Into the last 30 days of my 12-week challenge. The belly fat is yielding--stubbornly. I can actually look down and see my feet without bending over. The upper body is taking on that cool "V" shape. I wear t-shirts around the house, just because I no longer look horrid in one. Yesterday, I took in another notch on the belt. A bit snug, but I haven't used that notch since I bought the thing.

We go to the gym this morning. I'm scheduled to do an upper-body workout. It's crazy! when I come home and stand in front of the mirror, I look like a different person. There's actually muscle on those shoulders. I haven't seen that in years. Not bad for an old guy.