Friday, April 20, 2007

Body for Life Tshirt

Check this out! One of my t-shirts made the news on KCCI - Channel 8 in Des Moines, Iowa. Well, it really wasn't my shirt that was featured. Actually, Suzanne Ware and Bonnie Siegel were lifting weights to raise money for Childrens Miracle Network, and Suzanne is wearing a shirt that she bought from my CafePress store. Cool!

Incidentally, Suzanne lost 50 pounds using the Body-for-Life method!

You can watch the video here. You may have to watch the short commercial trailer first.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Getting in Shape

Six weeks into my 12-week challenge and look at the difference. Lots of new growth on the arms & sholders, the jowls are missing, and the belly fat is coming off. But it looks like time for some sun!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

How to Burn Fat

Four Energy Systems and how to train them is the title of an article by John P. Hussman, Ph.D.on his site, Hussman Fitness. It's probably the best information about fat burning that I've ever read

If you really want to understand how exercise produces changes in your body, it helps to know a little bit of... continued

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Gym Etiquette

Here’s a few ways to earn the respect (lack of) from your gym buddies. This could all be resolved by the old saying, You mom doesn’t work here...

1. Turn off your cell phone. Unless your family is waiting for that call from the governor issuing a reprieve to your second cousin, you really don’t need a cell phone at the gym. If you, or your calls, are that important, maybe you should be somewhere else.

2. Clean off the equipment after you use it. There’s nothing more discusting than sliding across your ass-sweat on the leg extension machine. Have you noticed the management provides anti-bacterial spray in those bottles over there? Use it!

3. Put your plates away. Everybody knows you’re a tuff guy and you can squat 800 pounds, but I shouldn’t have to unload your bar to squat my measly 90 pounds.

4. No grunting, snorting, or singing. If you regularly wear headphones, take them off once in a while and listen to yourself while you work out. You may be shocked to find that the noises you make won’t get you on American Idol.

5. Be odor neutral. I won’t even mention B.O. I hope nobody is so crass that they need reminding. On the other hand, perfumes, colognes, and even that lunch you had at the Thai restaurant earlier, may be very distracting to others.

6. If you are through with your workout, leave. The gym can be a busy place. While you are sitting on the weight bench watching re-runs of Lassie, someone may be waiting to use it.

7. Use one piece of equipment at a time. Again, if the gym is busy, don’t bounce back and forth from the free weights, to the cable machine, to the Smith machine. You may not notice, but others may be waiting.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Great Cottage Cheese Recipes

My tracker-challenge buddy, Steve, mentioned that he mixes yogurt with cottage cheese to make a delicious snack. Now it's a regular staple for me. The picture on the left is cottage cheese mixed with Post Grape Nuts. Yummy! You could substitute the Grape Nuts with shredded wheat, oatmeal, or any other high fiber carb. A great, late-night snack.

Also, cottage cheese is high in casein protein, which takes a long time to digest. Sometimes slower is better - especially when it comes to the rate of protein digestion. While rapid protein absorption is desirable immediately before or after exercise, delayed release is probably more beneficial throughout the remainder of the day.

Click on the picture to go to The Cottage Cheese Page at That site has a bunch of great cottage cheese recipes.

How cold is it???

What the Frig??? Is it cold outside, or what? There's geese migrating from the south wearing hooded sweatshirts. It's so cold that I saw one of our state senators over in St Paul, walking with one of his constituents, and he had his hands IN HIS OWN POCKETS. Chickens are rushing into KFC, begging to use the pressure cooker! Caribou started serving coffee on a stick! Words are actually freezing in mid air. If you wanted to hear what someone said, you had to grab a handful of sentences and take them in by the fire! People getting traffic tickets are pleading guilty and begging for the electric chair! The Bloods and Cripps in North Minneapolis are hugging each other just to stay warm. Flashers in the park are running up to women and describing themselves. Dogs are getting stuck to the fire hydrants! The Minnesota Twins are convinced that the Cubs will win the World Series this year--Hell really is freezing over!

Click on the comments button below to see a list of failed Minnesota slogans.